Here is a solution that doesn't require mocking. You implement all three components of the WebRequest
: IWebRequestCreate
and WebResponse
. See below. My example generates failing requests (by throwing WebException
), but should be able to adapt it to send "real" responses:
class WebRequestFailedCreate : IWebRequestCreate {
HttpStatusCode status;
String statusDescription;
public WebRequestFailedCreate(HttpStatusCode hsc, String sd) {
status = hsc;
statusDescription = sd;
#region IWebRequestCreate Members
public WebRequest Create(Uri uri) {
return new WebRequestFailed(uri, status, statusDescription);
class WebRequestFailed : WebRequest {
HttpStatusCode status;
String statusDescription;
Uri itemUri;
public WebRequestFailed(Uri uri, HttpStatusCode status, String statusDescription) {
this.itemUri = uri;
this.status = status;
this.statusDescription = statusDescription;
WebException GetException() {
SerializationInfo si = new SerializationInfo(typeof(HttpWebResponse), new System.Runtime.Serialization.FormatterConverter());
StreamingContext sc = new StreamingContext();
WebHeaderCollection headers = new WebHeaderCollection();
si.AddValue("m_HttpResponseHeaders", headers);
si.AddValue("m_Uri", itemUri);
si.AddValue("m_Certificate", null);
si.AddValue("m_Version", HttpVersion.Version11);
si.AddValue("m_StatusCode", status);
si.AddValue("m_ContentLength", 0);
si.AddValue("m_Verb", "GET");
si.AddValue("m_StatusDescription", statusDescription);
si.AddValue("m_MediaType", null);
WebResponseFailed wr = new WebResponseFailed(si, sc);
Exception inner = new Exception(statusDescription);
return new WebException("This request failed", inner, WebExceptionStatus.ProtocolError, wr);
public override WebResponse GetResponse() {
throw GetException();
public override IAsyncResult BeginGetResponse(AsyncCallback callback, object state) {
Task<WebResponse> f = Task<WebResponse>.Factory.StartNew (
_ =>
throw GetException();
if (callback != null) f.ContinueWith((res) => callback(f));
return f;
public override WebResponse EndGetResponse(IAsyncResult asyncResult) {
return ((Task<WebResponse>)asyncResult).Result;
class WebResponseFailed : HttpWebResponse {
public WebResponseFailed(SerializationInfo serializationInfo, StreamingContext streamingContext)
: base(serializationInfo, streamingContext) {
You must create a HttpWebResponse
subclass, because you cannot otherwise create one.
The tricky part (in the GetException()
method) is feeding in the values you cannot override, e.g. StatusCode
and this is where our bestest buddy SerializaionInfo
comes in! This is where you supply the values you cannot override. Obviously, override the parts (of HttpWebResponse
) you are able, to get the rest of the way there.
How did I obtain the "names" in all those AddValue()
calls? From the exception messages! It was nice enough to tell me every one in turn, until I made it happy.
Now, the compiler will complain about "obsolete" but this nevertheless works, including .NET Framework version 4.
Here is a (passing) test case for reference:
[TestMethod, ExpectedException(typeof(WebException))]
public void WebRequestFailedThrowsWebException() {
string TestURIProtocol = TestContext.TestName;
var ResourcesBaseURL = TestURIProtocol + "://resources/";
var ContainerBaseURL = ResourcesBaseURL + "container" + "/";
WebRequest.RegisterPrefix(TestURIProtocol, new WebRequestFailedCreate(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, "This request failed on purpose."));
WebRequest wr = WebRequest.Create(ContainerBaseURL);
try {
WebResponse wrsp = wr.GetResponse();
using (wrsp) {
Assert.Fail("WebRequest.GetResponse() Should not have succeeded.");
catch (WebException we) {
Assert.IsInstanceOfType(we.Response, typeof(HttpWebResponse));
Assert.AreEqual(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, (we.Response as HttpWebResponse).StatusCode, "Status Code failed");
throw we;