I'm stumped regarding how to implement a "personal compass", ie a compass that points to a specific bearing instead of the standard "north pole"... unfortunatly, my current attempt has come out wrong (doesn't point at the given bearing). It's also hooked up with the accelerator to be able to dynamically adjust itself based on which way the user is turning.
Here's my current attempt at it (the onSensorChanged()
-method that updates the arrow):
public void onSensorChanged( SensorEvent event ) {
// If we don't have a Location, we break out
if ( LocationObj == null ) return;
float azimuth = event.values[0];
float baseAzimuth = azimuth;
GeomagneticField geoField = new GeomagneticField( Double
.valueOf( LocationObj.getLatitude() ).floatValue(), Double
.valueOf( LocationObj.getLongitude() ).floatValue(),
Double.valueOf( LocationObj.getAltitude() ).floatValue(),
System.currentTimeMillis() );
azimuth += geoField.getDeclination(); // converts magnetic north into true north
//Correct the azimuth
azimuth = azimuth % 360;
//This is where we choose to point it
float direction = azimuth + LocationObj.bearingTo( destinationObj );
rotateImageView( arrow, R.drawable.arrow, direction );
//Set the field
if( baseAzimuth > 0 && baseAzimuth < 45 ) fieldBearing.setText("S");
else if( baseAzimuth >= 45 && baseAzimuth < 90 ) fieldBearing.setText("SW");
else if( baseAzimuth > 0 && baseAzimuth < 135 ) fieldBearing.setText("W");
else if( baseAzimuth > 0 && baseAzimuth < 180 ) fieldBearing.setText("NW");
else if( baseAzimuth > 0 && baseAzimuth < 225 ) fieldBearing.setText("N");
else if( baseAzimuth > 0 && baseAzimuth < 270 ) fieldBearing.setText("NE");
else if( baseAzimuth > 0 && baseAzimuth < 315 ) fieldBearing.setText("E");
else if( baseAzimuth > 0 && baseAzimuth < 360 ) fieldBearing.setText("SE");
else fieldBearing.setText("?");
And here's the method that rotates the ImageView (rotateImageView()
private void rotateImageView( ImageView imageView, int drawable, float rotate ) {
// Decode the drawable into a bitmap
Bitmap bitmapOrg = BitmapFactory.decodeResource( getResources(),
drawable );
// Get the width/height of the drawable
DisplayMetrics dm = new DisplayMetrics(); getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay().getMetrics(dm);
int width = bitmapOrg.getWidth(), height = bitmapOrg.getHeight();
// Initialize a new Matrix
Matrix matrix = new Matrix();
// Decide on how much to rotate
rotate = rotate % 360;
// Actually rotate the image
matrix.postRotate( rotate, width, height );
// recreate the new Bitmap via a couple conditions
Bitmap rotatedBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap( bitmapOrg, 0, 0, width, height, matrix, true );
//BitmapDrawable bmd = new BitmapDrawable( rotatedBitmap );
//imageView.setImageBitmap( rotatedBitmap );
imageView.setImageDrawable(new BitmapDrawable(getResources(), rotatedBitmap));
imageView.setScaleType( ScaleType.CENTER );
Any help would be much appreciated, as I don't quite know how to proceed. The "readings" I'm getting while trying it out is somewhat inaccurate and points in the wrong direction. Am I doing something really off, or did I just have a really bad test-run?