I try to get an /
to every urls end:
I use nginx
as webserver.
I need the rewrite rule for this..
For better understanding check this:
If u press on a small thumbnail under the big picture it reloads and shows this url:
If i now have a slash on all urls (on the end) it would work without a reload of the site.
Right now i have this settings in nginx-http.conf:
server {
listen *:80;
server_name 3much.schnickschnack.info;
access_log /data/plone/deamon/var/log/main-plone-access.log;
rewrite ^/(.*)$ /VirtualHostBase/http/3much.schnickschnack.info:80/2much/VirtualHostRoot/$1 last;
location / {
proxy_pass http://cache;
How do I configure nginx to add a slash? (I think i should a rewrite rule?)