I'm adding my answer in order to address the main difference between sagas and 2PC which is a consistency model.
Sagas, on the other hand, are series of local transactions, where each local transaction mutates and persist the entities along with some flag indicating the phase of the global transaction and commits the change.
Interesting description. What exactly this flag is? Is each node supposed to commit changes after the global transaction completes (and this is tracked by this flag)? And each node keeps local changes invisible to the outside until this happens? If that's the case, then how is that different from 2PC? If that's not the case, then what this flag is even for?
Generally, as far as I understand, a saga is a sequence of local transactions. If any of the nodes in the sequence fails then the flow is reversed and each node spawns a compensating transaction in the reversed order.
With this idea however we encounter several issues: the first one is what you've already noticed yourself: what if compensating transactions fail? What if any communcation at any step fails? But there's more, with that approach dirty reads are possible. Say Node1 succeeds and Node2 fails. We then issue a compensating transaction on Node1. But what if some another process reads data after Node1 was updated but before compensating transaction reverts that update? Potential inconsitency (depending on your requirements).
Generally, sagas are: eventually consistent and efficient (no global resource locking) by design. If you have full control over all nodes then saga can be made strongly consistent but that requires a lot of manual (and not obvious, e.g. communication issues) effort, and likely will require some resource locking (and thus we will lose performance). In that case why not use 2PC to begin with?
On the other hand 2PC is strongly consistent by design, which makes it potentially less efficient due to resource locking.
So which one to use? That depends on your requirements. If you need strong consistency then 2PC. If not then saga is a valid choice, potentially more efficient.
Example 1. Say you create an accounting system where users may transfer money between accounts. Say that those accounts live on separate systems. Furthermore you have a strict requirement that the balance should always be nonnegative (you don't want to deal with implicit debts) and maybe a strict requirement that a maximum amount can be set and cannot be exceeded (think about dedicated accounts for repaying debts: you cannot put more money than the entire debt). Then sagas may not be what you want, because due to dirty reads (and other consistency phenomena) we may endup with a balance outside of the allowed range. 2PC will be an easier choice here.
Example 2. Similarly you have an accounting system. But this time a balance outisde of range is allowed (whoever owns the system will deal with that manually). In that scenario perhaps sagas are better. Because manually dealing with a very small number of troublesome states is maybe less expensive then maintaining strong consistency all the time.