I have a custom form built within Outlook that sends an email notification any time a change is made. Because of the specifications of the form, I had to add a bit of VBScript (unfortunately) to the form that does the emailing on the closing event of the form.
The form is currently published and works well. The only problem that appears to be cropping up is that I am the only one of the users that use the form that gets prompted with the following dialog:
Nobody else that uses the form is getting the dialog. This dialog box forces you to wait until the progress bar is complted before it "Allow"s you to send the email (about 5 seconds). Is it because I am the publisher? Or is it a client side setting that I am running into? How do I disable this puppy?
In case its relevant heres the source:
Sub SendAttach()
'Open mail, adress, attach report
Dim objOutlk 'Outlook
Dim objMail 'Email item
Dim strMsg
Const olMailItem = 0
'Create a new message
set objOutlk = createobject("Outlook.Application")
set objMail = objOutlk.createitem(olMailItem)
objMail.To = Item.UserProperties("Assigned To")
objMail.cc = Item.UserProperties("Bcc")
'Set up Subject Line
objMail.subject = "Work Order Notifications: " & Item.UserProperties("Work Order Number") & " - " & _
Item.UserProperties("Subject") & " Due " & Item.UserProperties("Due Date")
'Add the body
strMsg = Item.UserProperties("Specifications") & vbcrlf
strMsg = strMsg & Item.UserProperties("Constraints")
objMail.body = strMsg
objMail.display 'Use this to display before sending, otherwise call objMail.Send to send without reviewing
'Clean up
set objMail = nothing
set objOutlk = nothing
End sub
Security here is not a concern. If somebody has managed to start sending emails from my workstation, I have much bigger problems than email spoofing!
As side note, I couldn't decide if SO or SU was the best place for this question. Please redirect accordingly if necessary.