I need to retrieve at runtime the full path of the script file in Groovy 2.3. Actually I have the same problem than the one described here: get path to groovy source file at runtime.
My script can be executed from GroovyShell or not.
My script is located at :
=> I simpy want to retrieve this path at runtime.
If I use the solution that was accepted:
println new File(".").absolutePath
what I get is actually :
which is the groovy home folder. That is not correct. The other proposed answer ie :
URL scriptUrl = getClass().classLoader.resourceLoader.loadGroovySource(getClass().name)
works only when my script is in the classpath, or when it is loaded at groovy startup using load directive in groovy-starter.conf. Otherwise it returns null. I could use this method but it is not satisfying because it is like passing a parameter and the goal here is that users to be able to execute the script from anywhere without modification or configuration.
I also red this JIRA who focus on this question: JIRA-1642
Solution seems to use the @SourceURI annotation that was created for this purpose. Problem is I am not able to make it work. I try to execute the code usage shown at: SourceURI
@groovy.transform.SourceURI def sourceURI
assert sourceURI instanceof java.net.URI
path = sourceURI.toString()
println "path = $path"
What I get is (groovy 2.3.7) is not the path but the source code :
path = data:,@groovy.transform.SourceURI%20def%20sourceURI%0A%0A%20assert%20sourceURI%20instanceof%20java.net.URI%0Apath%20=%20sourceURI.toString()%0Aprintln%20%22path%20=%20$path%22
How to use the @SourceURI annotation to retrieve the path of the script file ?