Trying to understand how swift compares arrays.
var myArray1 : [String] = ["1","2","3","4","5"]
var myArray2 : [String] = ["1","2","3","4","5"]
// 1) Comparing 2 simple arrays
if(myArray1 == myArray2) {
} else {
println("Equality no")
// -> prints equality -> thanks god
// 2) comparing to a "copy" of an array
// swift copies arrays when passed as parameters (as per doc)
func arrayTest(anArray: [String]) -> Bool {
return anArray == myArray1
println("Array test 1 is \(arrayTest(myArray1))")
println("Array test 2 is \(arrayTest(myArray2))")
// equality works for both
println("Array test 2 is \(arrayTest(myArray2))")
// false (obviously)
println("Array test 2 is \(arrayTest(myArray2))")
// true
Apple says there are optimisations behind the scene on array copies. Looks like sometimes - not always - structures are actually copied or not.
That said,
1) is == iterating over all the array to perform a element-based comparison ? (looks like it) -> How about performance / memory usage on very large arrays then ?
2) Are we sure == will ever return true if all elements are equal ? I have bad memories of == on Java Strings
3) Is there a way to check if myArray1 and myArray2 are technically using the same "memory location" / pointer / etc. ? i'm after understanding how the optimisation works and potential caveats.
– Slit===
is only for classes,Array
is a struct. – Peloquinfunc ==<T : Equatable>(lhs: [T], rhs: [T]) -> Bool
with the comment/// Returns true if these arrays contain the same elements.
– Bicipital