Chrome and Firefox have HTML Geolocation implemented.
My question is: how does it work? Do they have a Database locally and get the information from the provider then try to match it?
Where is the DB stored ? Can it be accessed ?
Update1: the only downside to geolocation is the browser has to ask the user for permission and this is really a bad thing for usability. I understand the security issue but still I don't see how this will become a popular solution.
Update2 : Firefox is using a Google WebService to detect the location. Now this seems very strange considering they are competitors now. Also this behavior it's really unexpected for me... I hopped each browser will have it's on (maybe offline) solution.
Update3 : So the browsers actually sniff for routers using your wireless network card?
Update4 : In the end what informations is the browser sending to the the google webservice ? The detected SSID seems ok ( and it makes sense that if they are tracked by google based on their physical position to make a lookup in the database for matching informations ) but how does it work so well in country where google didn't scanned this ? The other info your browser is sending is your ip but this is not enough to pin point your exact location right ?
Regarding other browsers that might implement this. How should they do it ? The api is not documented only the old deprecated GEAR api gives some clue. So this is not really public.