I have a problem with my webpack project, so I was trying to import one class to another and instantiate it but suddenly an error appear in my console and my program stopped working, it was this:
Uncaught ReferenceError: Cannot access '__WEBPACK_DEFAULT_EXPORT__' before initialization
This is the code of the class were I am trying to import my another class (that is PopUpPlugin):
import PopupPlugin from './popupPlugin.js';
export const addSearchBtnEvent = (weatherUI) => {
const searchBtn = document.querySelector('.weather__search');
searchBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {
weatherUI.style.opacity = '1';
weatherUI.style.visibility = 'visible';
export const addSearchExitEvent = (weatherUI) => {
const weatherExit = document.querySelector('.weather__search-exit');
weatherExit.addEventListener('click', () => {
weatherUI.style.opacity = '0';
weatherUI.style.visibility = 'hidden';
const popupObj = new PopupPlugin();
class searchDashboard {
constructor() {
setInputEvent() {
const inputSearch = document.querySelector('.weather__city-search');
const inputSearchBtn = document.querySelector('.weather__search-btn');
inputSearchBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {
const inputSearchVal = inputSearch.value;
validateStr() {
const onlyLettersAndSpaces = /^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z\s]*$/;
if(str.trim().length > 0 && str.match(onlyLettersAndSpaces)) {
const strValue = str.toLowerCase().trim().replace(' ', '+');
this.popupObj.searchCoincidences(strValue, 'weather__search-ui');
export default searchDashboard;
I don't actually know why this is happening, I also tried to instantiate it inside the constructor and it worked but it sended me the error of an stack overflow.
PD: If someone needs it here is the code of the PopupPlugin. (Here is what was working to me that was instantiating the class inside the constructor until the stack overflow error appeared)
import ManageWeatherDashboard from './manageWeatherDashboard.js';
import { getFetch, repeatAppend } from './weatherHelpers.js';
class popupPlugin {
constructor() {
this.manageWeatherDashboardObj = new ManageWeatherDashboard();
validateStr(str) {
const onlyLettersAndSpaces = /^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z\s]*$/;
if(str.trim().length > 0 && str.match(onlyLettersAndSpaces)) {
const strValue = str.toLowerCase().trim().replace(' ', '+');
return strValue;
searchCoincidences(val, parent) {
.then(res => res.text())
.then(data => {
const parentResults = document.querySelector('.'+parent);
parentResults.innerHTML = '';
const dataArr = JSON.parse(data)
if(dataArr.length >= 15) {
let resVal;
for(let i = 0; i <= 15; i++) {
resVal = this.addDOMResultCoincidences(parent, dataArr[i].title,
} else {
let resVal;
dataArr.forEach(el => {
resVal = this.addDOMResultCoincidences(parent, el.title, el.woeid);
addDOMResultCoincidences(parentBlock, name, id) {
const args = Array.from(arguments);
if(args[0] === 'popup__results') {
const popupResults = document.querySelector('.popup__results');
const divResult = document.createElement('div');
divResult.className = 'popup__result';
divResult.setAttribute('data-woeid', id);
const spanResultName = document.createElement('span');
spanResultName.className = 'popup__result-name';
const cityReturn = document.createTextNode(args[1]);
return divResult;
if(args[0] === 'weather__search-ui') {
const weatherUI = document.querySelector('.weather__search-ui');
const divResult = document.createElement('div');
divResult.className = 'weather__search-result';
divResult.setAttribute('data-woeid', id);
const spanResultName = document.createElement('span');
const spanResultNameText = document.createTextNode(args[1]);
spanResultName.className = 'weather__city-result';
const iconResult = document.createElement('i');
iconResult.className = 'fa fa-arrow-right weather__go-result';
repeatAppend([spanResultName, iconResult], divResult);
return divResult;
// When click a coincidence in search field
whenClickCoincidence(el) {
const woeId = el.getAttribute('data-woeid');
el.addEventListener('click', () => {
let handler = 0;
if(handler === 0) {
.then(res => res.json())
.then(data => {
const popup = document.querySelector('.popup');
const weatherNext6Days = data.consolidated_weather;
this.manageWeatherDashboardObj.changeWeatherBar(weatherNext6Days[0], data.title);
weatherNext6Days.slice(1, 6).forEach(el => {
popup.style.opacity = '0';
popup.style.visibility = 'hidden';
handler += 1;
export default popupPlugin;