I'm writing a simple angular component. I'm passing a parameter as a binding and display its value on the screen. All works fine: I can see the parameter being displayed on the screen.
var app = angular.module("test", []);
app.component("test", {
bindings: {
"contactId": "<"
controllerAs: "model",
controller: () => {
//output: 'contact id from controller: undefined'
console.log(`contact id from controller: ${this.contactId}`);
template: "<div>Contact id from view: {{model.contactId}}</div>"
<test contact-id="8"></test>
However, when I try to access the binding from within the controller (see the console.log), the binding value is undefined
. I don't understand how it can be available in the view, but not in the controller.
What am I doing wrong?
Here's a plnkr illustrating the problem.