After breaking my head some days, I managed to get my Foreign Key ON THE SAME BANK!
Can be made a change over the FORM to seek a FOREIGN KEY in a different bank!
First, add a RECHARGE of FIELDS, both directly (crack) my form, in function _init_
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from django import forms
import datetime
from app_ti_helpdesk import models as mdp
#classe para formulario de Novo HelpDesk
class FormNewHelpDesk(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = mdp.TblHelpDesk
fields = (
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
# using remove of kwargs
db = kwargs.pop("using", None)
# CASE use Unique Key`s
self.Meta.model.db = db
super(FormNewHelpDesk, self).__init__(*args,**kwargs)
# recreates the fields manually
from copy import deepcopy
self.fields = deepcopy( forms.fields_for_model( self.Meta.model, self.Meta.fields, using=db ) )
#### follows the standard template customization, if necessary
self.fields['problema_alegado'].widget.attrs['rows'] = 3
self.fields['problema_alegado'].widget.attrs['cols'] = 22
self.fields['problema_alegado'].required = True
self.fields['problema_alegado'].error_messages={'required': 'Necessário informar o motivo da solicitação de ajuda!'}
self.fields['data_prevista'].widget.attrs['class'] = 'calendario'
self.fields['data_prevista'].initial = (datetime.timedelta(4)"%Y-%m-%d")
self.fields['hora_prevista'].widget.attrs['class'] = 'hora'
self.fields['status'].initial = '0' #aberto
self.fields['status'].widget.attrs['disabled'] = True
self.fields['atendimento_relacionado_a'].initial = '07'
self.fields['cod_direcionacao'].required = True
self.fields['cod_direcionacao'].label = "Direcionado a"
self.fields['cod_direcionacao'].initial = '2'
self.fields['cod_direcionacao'].error_messages={'required': 'Necessário informar para quem é direcionado a ajuda!'}
self.fields['cod_usuario'].widget = forms.HiddenInput()
calling the Form from the View
form = forms.FormNewHelpDesk(request.POST or None, using=banco)
Now, the change in the source Code DJANGO
Only fields of type ForeignKey, ManyToManyField and OneToOneField can use the 'using', so added an IF ...
# line - 133: add using=None
def fields_for_model(model, fields=None, exclude=None, widgets=None, formfield_callback=None, using=None):
# line - 159
if formfield_callback is None:
from django.db.models.fields.related import (ForeignKey, ManyToManyField, OneToOneField)
if type(f) in (ForeignKey, ManyToManyField, OneToOneField):
kwargs['using'] = using
formfield = f.formfield(**kwargs)
elif not callable(formfield_callback):
raise TypeError('formfield_callback must be a function or callable')
formfield = formfield_callback(f, **kwargs)
# line 717
qs = model_class._default_manager.filter(**lookup_kwargs)
# line 717
qs = model_class._default_manager.using(getattr(self, 'db', None)).filter(**lookup_kwargs)
Ready :D