Q: Do I have to disable constraints for the insert to happen?
A: In Oracle, no, not if the foreign key constraints are DEFERRABLE
(see example below)
For Oracle:
INSERT INTO Departments values ('foo','dummy');
INSERT INTO Employees values ('bar','foo');
UPDATE Departments SET EmployeeID = 'bar' WHERE DepartmentID = 'foo';
Let's unpack that:
- (autocommit must be off)
- defer enforcement of the foreign key constraint
- insert a row to Department table with a "dummy" value for the FK column
- insert a row to Employee table with FK reference to Department
- replace "dummy" value in Department FK with real reference
- re-enable enforcement of the constraints
NOTES: disabling a foreign key constraint takes effect for ALL sessions, DEFERRING a constraint is at a transaction level (as in the example), or at the session level (ALTER SESSION SET CONSTRAINTS=DEFERRED;
Oracle has allowed for foreign key constraints to be defined as DEFERRABLE for at least a decade. I define all foreign key constraints (as a matter of course) to be DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE. That keeps the default behavior as everyone expects, but allows for manipulation without requiring foreign keys to be disabled.
see AskTom: http://www.oracle.com/technology/oramag/oracle/03-nov/o63asktom.html
see AskTom: http://asktom.oracle.com/pls/asktom/f?p=100:11:0::::P11_QUESTION_ID:10954765239682
see also: http://www.idevelopment.info/data/Oracle/DBA_tips/Database_Administration/DBA_12.shtml
A: In Microsoft SQL Server, you can't defer foreign key constraints like you can in Oracle. Disabling and re-enabling the foreign key constraint is an approach, but I shudder at the prospect of 1) performance impact (the foreign key constraint being checked for the ENTIRE table when the constraint is re-enabled), 2) handling the exception if (when?) the re-enable of the constraint fails. Note that disabling the constraint will affect all sessions, so while the constraint is disabled, other sessions could potentially insert and update rows which will cause the reenable of the constraint to fail.
With SQL Server, a better approach is to remove the NOT NULL constraint, and allow for a NULL as temporary placeholder while rows are being inserted/updated.
For SQL Server:
-- (with NOT NULL constraint removed from Departments.EmployeeID)
insert into Departments values ('foo',NULL)
insert into Employees values ('bar','foo')
update Departments set EmployeeID = 'bar' where DepartmentID = 'foo'