I am starting on learning Prolog. This program tries to get all occurrences of a given element:
occurences(_, [], Res):- Res is [].
occurences(X, [X|T], Res):-
Res is [X,TMP].
occurences(X, [_|T], Res):- occurences(X,T,Res).
But here is the error:
?- occurences(a,[a,b,c,a],Res).
ERROR: is/2: Arithmetic: `[]/0' is not a function
^ Exception: (11) _G525 is [] ? creep
Exception: (10) occurences(a, [], _G524) ? creep
Exception: (9) occurences(a, [a], _G524) ? creep
Exception: (8) occurences(a, [c, a], _G524) ? creep
Exception: (7) occurences(a, [b, c, a], _G524) ? creep
Exception: (6) occurences(a, [a, b, c, a], _G400) ? creep