I want to create an expand/collapse animation that's powered only by classnames (javascript is used to toggle the classnames).
I'm giving one class max-height: 4em; overflow: hidden;
and the other max-height: 255em;
(I also tried the value none
, which didn't animate at all)
this to animate: transition: max-height 0.50s ease-in-out;
I used CSS transitions to switch between them, but the browser seems to be animating all those extra em
's, so it creates a delay in the collapse effect.
Is there a way of doing it (in the same spirit - with css classnames) that doesn't have that side-effect (I can put a lower pixel count, but that obviously has drawbacks, since it might cut off legit text - that's the reason for the big value, so it doesn't cut off legit long text, only ridiculously long ones)
See the jsFiddle - http://jsfiddle.net/wCzHV/1/ (click on the text container)