I have a User model that belongs to a Group. Group must have unique name attribute. User factory and group factory are defined as:
Factory.define :user do |f|
f.association :group, :factory => :group
# ...
Factory.define :group do |f|
f.name "default"
When the first user is created a new group is created too. When I try to create a second user it fails because it wants to create same group again.
Is there a way to tell factory_girl association method to look first for an existing record?
Note: I did try to define a method to handle this, but then I cannot use f.association. I would like to be able to use it in Cucumber scenarios like this:
Given the following user exists:
| Email | Group |
| [email protected] | Name: mygroup |
and this can only work if association is used in Factory definition.
Group.find_or_create_by(name: name)
– Sporades