Dynamically using the first frame as poster in HTML5 video?
Asked Answered



I'm wondering if there's any straightforward way to achieve this effect, without needing backend code to extract a frame, save it as a jpg and database it somewhere.

An effect whereby the first frame of the video just shows up as the poster when the video loads would be so helpful (it would only work if the browser can play back the video obviously, which might be a little different from how poster traditionally works, but that is not a concern.

Salo answered 6/9, 2011 at 16:19 Comment(0)

Did you try the following?

just append time in seconds #t={seconds} to source URL:

  <video controls width="360">
    <source src="https://test-videos.co.uk/vids/bigbuckbunny/mp4/h264/1080/Big_Buck_Bunny_1080_10s_1MB.mp4#t=0.1" type="video/mp4" />

I have chosen a fraction of second (0.1) to keep number of frames small, because I have the suspect that if you put 1 second, it would "preload" the first 1 second of video (i.e. 24 frames or more ....). Just in case ...

Works fine on Chrome and Firefox on desktop :)
Works not on Android mobile, though :(
I did not test on iOS, iPhone, IE yet ??

Edit May 2021:

I realized that many modern browsers now show automatically a poster of first frame.

Seems like they heard us :-)

Dumont answered 17/5, 2018 at 7:53 Comment(7)
Thank you very much, that's great. Works for me on iOS Safari, iOS Firefox, macOS Safari, macOS Firefox, macOS Chrome.Coprophilous
Should be accepted answer. No heavy library required with this simple hack.Scientific
Important is that the parameter preload is not set to none either its not given and therewith the default value auto or manually set to preload="auto".Elegize
This significantly increased page load time for me even even small t value.Soup
This apparently is called a "media fragment" blog.addpipe.com/10-advanced-features-in-html5-video-playerVilliers
... this worked for the first say 90 or so videos linking to, but after that the browser just kind of gave up on going in 1 second.Adeline
The problem with this approach is performance. If you show first frames of many videos, the page becomes slow.Verified

To make it simple you can just add preload="metadata" to your video tag and the second of the first frame #t=0.5 to your video source:

<video width="400" controls="controls" preload="metadata">
  <source src="https://www.w3schools.com/html/mov_bbb.mp4#t=0.5" type="video/mp4">

Best of luck!

Agiotage answered 6/11, 2018 at 13:40 Comment(0)

There is a Popcorn.js plugin called Popcorn.capture which will allow you to create posters from any frame of your HTML5 video.

There is a limitation that is imposed by the browser that prohibits reading pixel data of resources requested across domains (using the canvas API to record the current value of a frame). The source video must be hosted on the same domain as the script and html page that is requesting it for this approach to work.

The code to create poster using this plugin is quite simple:

// This block of code must be run _after_ the DOM is ready
// This will capture the frame at the 10th second and create a poster
var video = Popcorn( "#video-id" );

// Once the video has loaded into memory, we can capture the poster
video.listen( "canplayall", function() {

  this.currentTime( 10 ).capture();

Hey answered 6/9, 2011 at 16:34 Comment(6)
looks like what I need. Can't get popcorn itself to work unfortunately.. getting Uncaught Error: INVALID_STATE_ERR: DOM Exception 11 popcorn.js:389 Popcorn.extend.Popcorn.forEach.ret popcorn.js:389 whenever I call it.Salo
Looks like you're not waiting for the video to be loaded. I've updated the code example above to wait then set the poster.Hey
thanks.. that got it working. for the most part anyway.. i was under the impression from the docs that this.capture({at: 1}).currentTime(0); would grab a poster from 1 second in and then put the video to the beginning, but it leaves it at 1 second in. Do you have any experience with that?Salo
Actually, that sounds like a bug to me :) Can you file an issue on the github repoHey
I just let it start playing and stop at the first frame loadedCohobate
what is "#video-id" in Popcorn( "#video-id" ); ? , i have a link to video on my host and using jwplayer to show my videos! how can i use this api? tnxTalkative

I recently did this for a recent project that works on desktop and mobile. The trick was getting it to work on iPhone.

Setting preload=metadata works on desktop and android devices but not iPhone.

For iPhones I had to set it to autoplay so the poster image automatically appears on initial load. iPhones will prevent the video from auto playing, but the poster image appears as the result.

I had to do a check for iPhone using Pavan's answer found here. Detect iPhone Browser. Then use the proper video tag with or without autoplay depending on the device.

var agent = navigator.userAgent;
var isIphone = ((agent.indexOf('iPhone') != -1) || (agent.indexOf('iPod') != -1)) ;

$videoTag = "";
if(isIphone()) {
    $videoTag = '<video controls autoplay preload="metadata">';
} else {
    $videoTag = '<video controls preload="metadata">';
Freeness answered 30/8, 2016 at 15:36 Comment(6)
This answer explains why the issue happens and provides a work around. Bear in mind that in iOS 10 the autoplay attribute may be honored if some conditions are met. So I'd suggest everyone to immediately pause the video to prevent actual autoplay.Puerperium
@Alessandro can you show some code how we can handle this in ios 10 it would be great ThanksCounterscarp
something like var video = document.createElement('video'); video.controls = true; video.preload = 'metadata'; if (isIphone) { video.autoplay = true; video.pause(); }Puerperium
you save my day man. you worth like a 50 point on that for me :)Saturable
Do not use this method unless you actually want autoplay, as iOS now supports autoplay inline for muted videos.Incondite
but doing so will eventually buffer the entire video and consume bandwitch? at least that is what element.play().then(()=> element.pause()); doesMercerize

You can set preload='auto' on the video element to load the first frame of the video automatically.

Title answered 23/8, 2016 at 14:33 Comment(3)
Just a word of advice: preload means the video might be downloaded automatically without user action. It is what happens by default on Chrome, Firefox and IE on desktop. So please be sure it won't worsen user experience on your page.Louella
Good point although this is the case only on desktop as this is a hint, not a directive. Somewhat out of date but see stevesouders.com/blog/2013/04/12/html5-video-preloadTitle
It's working in my case where the vídeo have only 8 seconds to play when mouse over!Afterlife

Solution for #2, #3 etc. frames. We need attach disposable handler .one() for resetting default frame.

<video width="300" height="150" id='my-video'>
   <source src="testvideo.mp4#t=2" type="video/mp4" />

$(function () {
     let videoJs = videojs('my-video');
     videoJs.one('play', function () {
Tampere answered 13/2, 2019 at 8:17 Comment(1)
nice idea for displaying other framesOrthopterous

I found a great way to dynamically add poster to a video!

To show the desired frame from video (in my case it's the frame at 1.75 seconds) - add preload="metadata" to the video element and #t=1.75 to the end of source URL.

Add eventListener to the video element that will listen for play event only once. Once the event is emitted reset the video time.

<video width="100%" controls="controls" preload="metadata" id="myVid">
    <source src="path/to/your/video#t=1.75" type="video/mp4">

    var el = document.getElementById('myVid');
    el.addEventListener('play', () => {
        el.currentTime = 0;
    }, { once: true });
Adrea answered 10/2, 2022 at 18:6 Comment(0)

For others, who wants to specify image as poster, use poster attribute:

<video src="/path/to/video.mp4" poster="/path/to/poster.png"></video>
Melan answered 26/2, 2023 at 11:13 Comment(0)

While nowadays the first frame is usually loaded automatically anyway (at least when using preload="metadata"), this doesn't seem to work in some mobile scenarios, such as within a WebView an Android with Cordova. (See also this issue.)

My solution for this special was to add an autoplay attribute and a one-time event listener on play that does .pause():

<video preload="metadata" autoplay>
  <!-- ... -->
myVideo.addEventListener('play', () => myVideo.pause(), { once: true })
Truett answered 7/5, 2024 at 6:14 Comment(0)

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