I'm trying to define constants with other constants, but it seems that it can't be done, because the initial constant isn't ready when the required constant depending require it. I want to be sure if this isn't possible at all.
Currently I have constants in this way:
angular.module('mainApp.config', [])
.constant('RESOURCE_USERS_DOMAIN', '')
.constant('RESOURCE_USERS_API', '')
// Specific routes for API
.constant('API_SOCIAL_NETWORKS', RESOURCE_USERS_API + '/api/social')
The second two constants are what I want to accomplish.
is an Immediately-Invoked Function Expression, or IIFE. It calls itself so you don't have to! It looks like this:(function (params) {//do stuff})()
. Note the parentheses around the function expression and the extra set at the end. – Lautrec