How do I check if a phone number is valid or not? It is up to length 13 (including character +
in front).
How do I do that?
I tried this:
String regexStr = "^[0-9]$";
String number=entered_number.getText().toString();
if(entered_number.getText().toString().length()<10 || number.length()>13 || number.matches(regexStr)==false ) {
Toast.makeText(MyDialog.this,"Please enter "+"\n"+" valid phone number",Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
// am_checked=0;
And I also tried this:
public boolean isValidPhoneNumber(String number)
for (char c : number.toCharArray())
if (!VALID_CHARS.contains(c))
return false;
// All characters were valid
return true;
Both are not working.
Input type: + sign to be accepted and from 0-9 numbers and length b/w 10-13 and should not accept other characters