I've painted a shape for the background of my content of Text
I want the background autoscale the Text, even the softWrap
being true.
So, I need to get the width and height of my Text Widget before Widget build(BuildContext context)
Actually, I am simulating the chat bubble effect like iOS message using flutter. Here is the iOS version tutorial. Creating a Chat Bubble .
The core code below:
let label = UILabel()
label.numberOfLines = 0
label.font = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 18)
label.textColor = .white
label.text = text
let constraintRect = CGSize(width: 0.66 * view.frame.width,
height: .greatestFiniteMagnitude)
let boundingBox = text.boundingRect(with: constraintRect,
options: .usesLineFragmentOrigin,
attributes: [.font: label.font],
context: nil)
label.frame.size = CGSize(width: ceil(boundingBox.width),
height: ceil(boundingBox.height))
let bubbleSize = CGSize(width: label.frame.width + 28,
height: label.frame.height + 20)
let width = bubbleSize.width
let height = bubbleSize.height
Here is my solution.
// Define a CustomPainter to paint the bubble background.
class BubblePainter extends CustomPainter {
void paint(Canvas canvas, Size size) {
final Paint paint = Paint()
..color = Color(0xff188aff)
..style = PaintingStyle.fill;
final Path bubble = Path()
..moveTo(size.width - 22.0, size.height)
..lineTo(17.0, size.height)
7.61, size.height, 0.0, size.height - 7.61, 0.0, size.height - 17.0)
..lineTo(0.0, 17.0)
..cubicTo(0.0, 7.61, 7.61, 0.0, 17.0, 0.0)
..lineTo(size.width - 21, 0.0)
..cubicTo(size.width - 11.61, 0.0, size.width - 4.0, 7.61,
size.width - 4.0, 17.0)
..lineTo(size.width - 4.0, size.height - 11.0)
..cubicTo(size.width - 4.0, size.height - 1.0, size.width, size.height,
size.width, size.height)
..lineTo(size.width + 0.05, size.height - 0.01)
..cubicTo(size.width - 4.07, size.height + 0.43, size.width - 8.16,
size.height - 1.06, size.width - 11.04, size.height - 4.04)
..cubicTo(size.width - 16.0, size.height, size.width - 19.0, size.height,
size.width - 22.0, size.height)
canvas.drawPath(bubble, paint);
bool shouldRepaint(BubblePainter oldPainter) => true;
// This is my custom RenderObject.
class BubbleMessage extends SingleChildRenderObjectWidget {
Key key,
Widget child,
}) : super(key: key, child: child);
final CustomPainter painter;
RenderCustomPaint createRenderObject(BuildContext context) {
return RenderCustomPaint(
painter: painter,
void updateRenderObject(
BuildContext context, RenderCustomPaint renderObject) {
renderObject..painter = painter;
Use the BubbleMessage
Widget like this:
import 'bubble.dart'
...code ...
painter: BubblePainter(),
child: Container(
constraints: BoxConstraints(
maxWidth: 250.0,
minWidth: 50.0,
padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 15.0, vertical: 6.0),
child: Text(
'your text variable',
softWrap: true,
style: TextStyle(
fontSize: 16.0,
...code ...
The bubble effect:
– SollarsTextPainter
to measure the size beforebuild
method. – OutcastRenderCustomPaint
widget can easily satisfy my need. – Outcast