I had a similar problem when installing under 64 bit Python 3.4.2. I ran the install executable pywin32‑219.win‑amd64‑py3.4.exe from http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/ .
On the site it states clearly:
"Python 3.4 users must manually run python.exe Scripts\pywin32_postinstall.py -install
from an elevated command prompt."
which I did not do first time round; I installed from a normal prompt getting the following feedback:
c:\python34>python.exe Scripts\pywin32_postinstall.py -install
Copied pythoncom34.dll to C:\Python34\pythoncom34.dll
Copied pywintypes34.dll to C:\Python34\pywintypes34.dll
You do not have the permissions to install COM objects.
The sample COM objects were not registered.
Finishing with "The pywin32 extensions were succesfully installed" ...
I only read the last sentence and I started to run some code resulting in getting these dll load fails.
So, did some research, and started an elevated prompt (how: see "http://www.sevenforums.com/tutorials/783-elevated-command-prompt.html") and again ran:
c:\python34>python.exe Scripts\pywin32_postinstall.py -install
Copied pythoncom34.dll to C:\Windows\system32\pythoncom34.dll
Copied pywintypes34.dll to C:\Windows\system32\pywintypes34.dll
Registered: Python.Interpreter
Registered: Python.Dictionary
Registered: Python
-> Software\Python\PythonCore\3.4\Help[None]=None
-> Software\Python\PythonCore\3.4\Help\Pythonwin Reference[None]='C:\\Python34\\Lib\\site-packages\\PyWin32.chm'
Pythonwin has been registered in context menu
Shortcut for Pythonwin created
Shortcut to documentation created
The pywin32 extensions were successfully installed.
And now my code runs happily (as far as this matter is concerned... sigh, so much other stuff to do).
pip uninstall pywin32
followed bypip install pywin32
did not work for me. Dave Bremer's answer below did work. – Petropavlovsk