I have a TeamCity 7 Build Configuration which is pretty much only an invocation of a .ps1
script using various TeamCity Parameters.
I was hoping that might be a simple matter of setting:
Script File
Script execution mode
Execute .ps1 script with "-File" argument
Script arguments
%system.teamcity.build.workingDir% -OptionB %BuildConfigArgument% %BuildConfigArg2%
And then I would expect:
- if I mess up my arguments and the script won't start, the Build fails
- if my Script.ps1 script throws, the Build fails
- If the script
s with a non-0
Error Level I want the Build to Fail (maybe this is not idiomatic PS error management - should a .ps1 only report success by the absence of exceptions?)
The question: It just doesn't work. How is it supposed to work? Is there something I'm doing drastically wrong that I can fix by choosing different options?
Only if build status is successful
– Titulary