I am new to sails.js and I deployed to heroku and also added a heroku postgreql addon. In my datastore.js file, I added the following configuration so I could migrate my models to the new database addon. Here is a snippet of my datastore.js file.
adapter: "sails-postgresql",
// URL: my-postgresql-url
// ssl: true,
In my production.js file here's a snippet of the datastore.
adapter: "sails-postgresql",
url: process.env.DATABASE_URL,
ssl: true,
I don't know what seems to be the issue, but this error keeps getting thrown by the server
error: Error: self signed certificate
at TLSSocket.onConnectSecure (_tls_wrap.js:1498:34)
at TLSSocket.emit (events.js:314:20)
at TLSSocket.EventEmitter.emit (domain.js:486:12)
at TLSSocket._finishInit (_tls_wrap.js:933:8)
at TLSWrap.ssl.onhandshakedone (_tls_wrap.js:707:12) {
meta: {
adapter: 'sails-postgresql',
url: 'my-postgresql-url',
ssl: true,
identity: 'default'
I don't know what exactly to do, any help would be welcome. Thank you.
^1.02 to ^4.0.0 (currently latest), which I had to do in order to upgrade from node 12.x to 16.x. This answer worked for me – Cirrostratus