Solution using kotlin and additional interface. (an example for a fragment will be shown here, but with a few changes it will work in an activity as well)
First you need to create an interface (the set of parameters can be any):
interface DialogCloseListener {
fun handleDialogClose(dialog: DialogInterface)
Then implement this interface in the fragment that calls the DailogFragment:
class YourParentFragment: Fragment(), DialogCloseListener {
override fun handleDialogClose(dialog: DialogInterface) {
// do something
Now go to your DialogFragment. Implement the onDismiss method. In it, check if the parent fragment implements your interface, call your method, passing the necessary parameters there:
override fun onDismiss(dialog: DialogInterface) {
if(parentFragment is DialogCloseListener){
(parentFragment as DialogCloseListener).handleDialogClose(dialog)
I think that this way is good because you can track a specific close event (by passing a certain parameter to the method), for example, canceling an order, and somehow handle it.