I have two databases running on different servers in different timezones. There is a couple of tables which contains timestamp with timezone
I need to dump data from one database and to import it to another with correct timestamp and correct timezone.
I use following command to dump data:
pg_dump -a DB_NAME > dump.sql
I see data are in old timestamp and timezone format: 2013-11-29 14:30:00+02
Then I use command to another server to restore dump:
psql -d DB_NAME -f dump.sql
And I see that timestamps and timezone is from old server - which I think is normal.
Then I tried to put following command in the beginning of dump.sql
SET timezone ...
But still does not work. :(
This is one time operation. Once transferred data will not need sync. Is there a way to do such conversion using pg_dump and pg_restore or similar?
for role importing with solved it for me – Profit