I've been stuck on this for awhile and could use some help.
I'm trying to copy a large folder from a mapped network drive (A:) onto my local PC. I also need to exclude a subdirectory on that drive path called "Images". My current code (backup.bat) is below:
cd %HOMEPATH%\Desktop\%mydate%
xcopy "A:\PROGRA~2\QuadTech" 121\ /e /EXCLUDE:"A:\PROGRA~2\QuadTech\INSPEC~1\Images\"
Error I keep getting:
I've tried shortening the path with "dir /x" and I am sure the path name is correct. Also note that I need quotations as there are spaces in the PATH name.
Why am I getting errors when trying to Exclude this directory??
I now have my Exclude statement point to my desktop where it reads a list of strings in a txt file.
xcopy "A:\PROGRA~2\QuadTech" 121\ /e /EXCLUDE:C:\Users\QuadTech\Desktop\excldelist.txt
Txt file contents:
? – Kiethkiev