I have googled this and found out that people had this issue, but I haven't found any solution.
So this is my code
%section(ng-controller="UserCtrl" ng-init="user_genres=#{preferred_genres}")
%li(ng:repeat="genre in preferred_genres")
%input(type = "checkbox" ng:model="preferred_genres[genre]" id="genre-{{$index + 1}}" ng-checked="user_genres['{{genre}}']")
%label{:for => "genre-{{$index + 1}}"} {{genre}}
For example if some of the checkboxes are checked due to ng-checked expression is true and on page render. And I didn't actually click the checkbox it again. When it comes to the controller, the scope seems to ignore the one that has been checked because of ng-checked. How do I make them sync nicely?