I am suddenly getting a bunch of warnings on iOS12/XCode 9. Why are there multiple managedObjectModels ? The app only has one *.xcdatamodeld file but there are multiple versions within the model.
Is this some new iOS12 Coredata feature and is there something I can do to prevent this warning or should I just ignore it?
2018-09-18 11:45:34.487073+1000 xxxxxxxxx[4422:1419983] [error] warning: 'Stats' (0x2812f1550) from NSManagedObjectModel (0x2806ff480) claims 'Stats'.
CoreData: warning: 'Stats' (0x2812f1550) from NSManagedObjectModel (0x2806ff480) claims 'Stats'.
2018-09-18 11:45:34.487084+1000 xxxxxxxxx[4422:1419983] [error] warning: 'Stats' (0x2812f3bd0) from NSManagedObjectModel (0x2806b18b0) claims 'Stats'.
CoreData: warning: 'Stats' (0x2812f3bd0) from NSManagedObjectModel (0x2806b18b0) claims 'Stats'.
– StickpinNSManagedObject.init(context:)
, because the code will look in a specific model. I'm not doing that though. The behavior is limited to my tests (I don't load models multiple time in the app), and there are no other problems, so I'll just ignore it for now. YMMV. – Shibboleth