Please, does Volley automatically add my GET params to the URL? For me it's not working so and also when looking into sources, I just cant find any call of the getParams method.. So should I build the URL myself? It's no problem at all, I just thought that when there is such method like getParams, it could do that for me:)
UPDATE: Below is my code..
public class BundleRequest extends<Bundle>{
private String token;
private OnAuthTokenValidatorResponseListener mListener;
private final Map<String, String> mParams = new HashMap<String, String>();;
public BundleRequest(int method, String url, Response.ErrorListener listener) {
super(method, url, listener);
public BundleRequest(int method, String url,OnAuthTokenValidatorResponseListener providedListener, Response.ErrorListener listener, String token) {
super(method, url, listener);
this.token = token;
mListener = providedListener;
mParams.put(AuthenticatorConfig.TOKEN_VALIDATION_PARAMNAME, token);
public Map<String, String> getParams() throws AuthFailureError {
return mParams;
protected Response<Bundle> parseNetworkResponse(NetworkResponse httpResponse) {
switch (httpResponse.statusCode) {
case AuthTokenValidator.TOKEN_VALID_RESPONSE_CODE:
//token is ok
JSONObject response;
try {
response = new JSONObject(new String(, HttpHeaderParser.parseCharset(httpResponse.headers)));
Bundle userDataResponse = new Bundle();
userDataResponse.putInt("responseCode", httpResponse.statusCode);
userDataResponse.putString("username", response.getString("user_id"));
userDataResponse.putString("email", response.getString("user_email"));
userDataResponse.putString("expiresIn", response.getString("expires_in"));
userDataResponse.putString("scope", response.getJSONArray("scope").getString(0));
userDataResponse.putString("token", token);
return Response.success(userDataResponse, HttpHeaderParser.parseCacheHeaders(httpResponse));
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
return Response.error(new VolleyError("Unsupported encoding"));
} catch (JSONException e) {
return Response.error(new VolleyError("Problem while parsing JSON"));
//token is not valid
try {
mListener.onValidatorResponse(parseOnErrorResponse(new String(, HttpHeaderParser.parseCharset(httpResponse.headers))));
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
return Response.error(new VolleyError("Error status code:" + httpResponse.statusCode));
protected int parseOnErrorResponse(String responseBody) {
try {
JSONObject response = new JSONObject(responseBody);
String moreInfo = response.getString("more_info");
if (moreInfo.equals("Token was not recognised")) {
return AuthTokenValidator.TOKEN_WAS_NOT_RECOGNISED;
} else if (moreInfo.equals("Token has expired")) {
return AuthTokenValidator.TOKEN_HAS_EXPIRED;
} else if (moreInfo.equals("Client doesn't exist anymore")) {
return AuthTokenValidator.CLIENT_DOES_NOT_EXIST_ANYMORE;
} else if (moreInfo.equals("Client is locked")) {
return AuthTokenValidator.CLIENT_IS_LOCKED;
} else {
return AuthTokenValidator.UNKNOWN_ERROR;
} catch (JSONException e) {
return AuthTokenValidator.UNKNOWN_ERROR;
protected void deliverResponse(Bundle response) {
Actually the params parameter is now redundant