The following is my code snippet. I pass in editClick that adds a data class object into chargingViewModel.contractSelfPay, which is observed as itemList state. When I click the icon, I can tell itemList state receives update by having more edit icons that are spaced evenly. However, BasicGrid Row's height is not stretched with Intrinsic.Min.
If I remove IntrinsicSize.Min, even though row's height is stretched, dividers no longer can fillMaxHeight as well as icon columns. without Intrinsic.Min
fun ContractSelfPay(chargingViewModel: ChargingViewModel, editClick: () -> Unit = {}) {
val itemList by chargingViewModel.contractSelfPay.observeAsState()
val composeList: List<@Composable () -> Unit> = itemList?.map {
@Composable {
Row {
TempFunc { StyledText(text = it.itemTitle) }
TempFunc { StyledText(text = it.originalPrice.toString()) }
TempFunc { StyledText(text = it.selfPay.toString(), color = self_pay_blue) }
TempFunc { StyledText(text = it.count.toString()) }
TempFunc { StyledText(text = (it.selfPay * it.count).toString()) }
} ?: listOf()
val total = itemList?.map { (it.selfPay.toInt() * it.count.toInt()) }?.sum() ?: 0
BasicGrid("全自費", composeList, total = total.toString(), editClick = editClick)
fun BasicGrid(
gridTitle: String,
itemList: List<@Composable () -> Unit>,
total: String = "0",
editClick: () -> Unit = {}
) {
Row(modifier = Modifier.height(IntrinsicSize.Min), verticalAlignment = Alignment.CenterVertically) {
StyledTextBold(text = gridTitle, modifier = Modifier.weight(15f).wrapContentWidth())
modifier = Modifier.weight(60f)
) {
itemList.forEachIndexed { index, compose ->
if (index != itemList.size - 1)
if (itemList.isEmpty())
StyledText(text = "尚未有任何紀錄", modifier = Modifier.weight(1f).wrapContentSize())
StyledTextBold(text = total, modifier = Modifier.weight(15f).wrapContentWidth())
modifier = Modifier
verticalArrangement = Arrangement.SpaceEvenly
) {
itemList.forEachIndexed { index, detail ->
painter = painterResource(R.drawable.icon_mode_edit),
contentDescription = "",
modifier = Modifier
.clickable { editClick() },
if (itemList.isNotEmpty() && index != itemList.size - 1)