I am new to hsqldb. I am developing simple application to get the some input from user. So Searched for embedded database and found hsqldb is the solution for my requirement.
I have some create table syntax but it throws exception.
(This Query executed by using Netbeans Database services)
Query :
CREATE TABLE company (
comp_name varchar(100) NOT NULL,
comp_id int(40) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
PRIMARY KEY (comp_id)
CREATE TABLE company (
comp_name varchar(100) NOT NULL,
comp_id int(40) NOT NULL IDENTITY
hsql db throws the error :
Error code -5581, SQL state 42581: unexpected token: ( : line: 3
Line 2, column 1
Execution finished after 0 s, 1 error(s) occurred.
Kindly help me out..
Thanks in Advance..