I have just tried my own Concurrent TRIE implementation but not based on characters, it is based on HashCode. Still We can use this having Map of Map for each CHAR hascode.
You can test this using the code @ https://github.com/skanagavelu/TrieHashMap/blob/master/src/TrieMapPerformanceTest.java
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReferenceArray;
public class TrieMap {
public static int SIZEOFEDGE = 4;
public static int OSIZE = 5000;
abstract class Node {
public Node getLink(String key, int hash, int level){
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public Node createLink(int hash, int level, String key, String val) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public Node removeLink(String key, int hash, int level){
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
class Vertex extends Node {
String key;
volatile String val;
volatile Vertex next;
public Vertex(String key, String val) {
this.key = key;
this.val = val;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
Vertex v = (Vertex) obj;
return this.key.equals(v.key);
public int hashCode() {
return key.hashCode();
public String toString() {
return key +"@"+key.hashCode();
class Edge extends Node {
volatile AtomicReferenceArray<Node> array; //This is needed to ensure array elements are volatile
public Edge(int size) {
array = new AtomicReferenceArray<Node>(8);
public Node getLink(String key, int hash, int level){
int index = Base10ToBaseX.getBaseXValueOnAtLevel(Base10ToBaseX.Base.BASE8, hash, level);
Node returnVal = array.get(index);
for(;;) {
if(returnVal == null) {
return null;
else if((returnVal instanceof Vertex)) {
Vertex node = (Vertex) returnVal;
for(;node != null; node = node.next) {
if(node.key.equals(key)) {
return node;
return null;
} else { //instanceof Edge
level = level + 1;
index = Base10ToBaseX.getBaseXValueOnAtLevel(Base10ToBaseX.Base.BASE8, hash, level);
Edge e = (Edge) returnVal;
returnVal = e.array.get(index);
public Node createLink(int hash, int level, String key, String val) { //Remove size
for(;;) { //Repeat the work on the current node, since some other thread modified this node
int index = Base10ToBaseX.getBaseXValueOnAtLevel(Base10ToBaseX.Base.BASE8, hash, level);
Node nodeAtIndex = array.get(index);
if ( nodeAtIndex == null) {
Vertex newV = new Vertex(key, val);
boolean result = array.compareAndSet(index, null, newV);
if(result == Boolean.TRUE) {
return newV;
//continue; since new node is inserted by other thread, hence repeat it.
else if(nodeAtIndex instanceof Vertex) {
Vertex vrtexAtIndex = (Vertex) nodeAtIndex;
int newIndex = Base10ToBaseX.getBaseXValueOnAtLevel(Base10ToBaseX.Base.BASE8, vrtexAtIndex.hashCode(), level+1);
int newIndex1 = Base10ToBaseX.getBaseXValueOnAtLevel(Base10ToBaseX.Base.BASE8, hash, level+1);
Edge edge = new Edge(Base10ToBaseX.Base.BASE8.getLevelZeroMask()+1);
if(newIndex != newIndex1) {
Vertex newV = new Vertex(key, val);
edge.array.set(newIndex, vrtexAtIndex);
edge.array.set(newIndex1, newV);
boolean result = array.compareAndSet(index, vrtexAtIndex, edge); //REPLACE vertex to edge
if(result == Boolean.TRUE) {
return newV;
//continue; since vrtexAtIndex may be removed or changed to Edge already.
} else if(vrtexAtIndex.key.hashCode() == hash) {//vrtex.hash == hash) { HERE newIndex == newIndex1
synchronized (vrtexAtIndex) {
boolean result = array.compareAndSet(index, vrtexAtIndex, vrtexAtIndex); //Double check this vertex is not removed.
if(result == Boolean.TRUE) {
Vertex prevV = vrtexAtIndex;
for(;vrtexAtIndex != null; vrtexAtIndex = vrtexAtIndex.next) {
prevV = vrtexAtIndex; // prevV is used to handle when vrtexAtIndex reached NULL
vrtexAtIndex.val = val;
return vrtexAtIndex;
Vertex newV = new Vertex(key, val);
prevV.next = newV; // Within SYNCHRONIZATION since prevV.next may be added with some other.
return newV;
//Continue; vrtexAtIndex got changed
} else { //HERE newIndex == newIndex1 BUT vrtex.hash != hash
edge.array.set(newIndex, vrtexAtIndex);
boolean result = array.compareAndSet(index, vrtexAtIndex, edge); //REPLACE vertex to edge
if(result == Boolean.TRUE) {
return edge.createLink(hash, (level + 1), key, val);
else { //instanceof Edge
return nodeAtIndex.createLink(hash, (level + 1), key, val);
public Node removeLink(String key, int hash, int level){
for(;;) {
int index = Base10ToBaseX.getBaseXValueOnAtLevel(Base10ToBaseX.Base.BASE8, hash, level);
Node returnVal = array.get(index);
if(returnVal == null) {
return null;
else if((returnVal instanceof Vertex)) {
synchronized (returnVal) {
Vertex node = (Vertex) returnVal;
if(node.next == null) {
if(node.key.equals(key)) {
boolean result = array.compareAndSet(index, node, null);
if(result == Boolean.TRUE) {
return node;
continue; //Vertex may be changed to Edge
return null; //Nothing found; This is not the same vertex we are looking for. Here hashcode is same but key is different.
} else {
if(node.key.equals(key)) { //Removing the first node in the link
boolean result = array.compareAndSet(index, node, node.next);
if(result == Boolean.TRUE) {
return node;
continue; //Vertex(node) may be changed to Edge, so try again.
Vertex prevV = node; // prevV is used to handle when vrtexAtIndex is found and to be removed from its previous
node = node.next;
for(;node != null; prevV = node, node = node.next) {
if(node.key.equals(key)) {
prevV.next = node.next; //Removing other than first node in the link
return node;
return null; //Nothing found in the linked list.
} else { //instanceof Edge
return returnVal.removeLink(key, hash, (level + 1));
class Base10ToBaseX {
public static enum Base {
* Integer is represented in 32 bit in 32 bit machine.
* There we can split this integer no of bits into multiples of 1,2,4,8,16 bits
BASE2(1,1,32), BASE4(3,2,16), BASE8(7,3,11)/* OCTAL*/, /*BASE10(3,2),*/
BASE16(15, 4, 8){
public String getFormattedValue(int val){
switch(val) {
case 10:
return "A";
case 11:
return "B";
case 12:
return "C";
case 13:
return "D";
case 14:
return "E";
case 15:
return "F";
return "" + val;
}, /*BASE32(31,5,1),*/ BASE256(255, 8, 4), /*BASE512(511,9),*/ Base65536(65535, 16, 2);
private int LEVEL_0_MASK;
private int LEVEL_1_ROTATION;
private int MAX_ROTATION;
Base(int levelZeroMask, int levelOneRotation, int maxPossibleRotation) {
this.LEVEL_0_MASK = levelZeroMask;
this.LEVEL_1_ROTATION = levelOneRotation;
this.MAX_ROTATION = maxPossibleRotation;
int getLevelZeroMask(){
return LEVEL_0_MASK;
int getLevelOneRotation(){
int getMaxRotation(){
String getFormattedValue(int val){
return "" + val;
public static int getBaseXValueOnAtLevel(Base base, int on, int level) {
if(level > base.getMaxRotation() || level < 1) {
return 0; //INVALID Input
int rotation = base.getLevelOneRotation();
int mask = base.getLevelZeroMask();
if(level > 1) {
rotation = (level-1) * rotation;
mask = mask << rotation;
} else {
rotation = 0;
return (on & mask) >>> rotation;