A YouTube video URL may be encountered in a variety of formats:
- latest short format:
- iframe:
- iframe (secure):
- object param:
- object embed:
- watch:
- users:
- ytscreeningroom:
- any/thing/goes!:
- any/subdomain/too:
- more params:
- query may have dot:
- nocookie domain:
Here is a PHP function with a commented regex that matches each of these URL forms and converts them to links (if they are not links already):
// Linkify youtube URLs which are not already links.
function linkifyYouTubeURLs($text) {
$text = preg_replace('~(?#!js YouTubeId Rev:20160125_1800)
# Match non-linked youtube URL in the wild. (Rev:20130823)
https?:// # Required scheme. Either http or https.
(?:[0-9A-Z-]+\.)? # Optional subdomain.
(?: # Group host alternatives.
youtu\.be/ # Either youtu.be,
| youtube # or youtube.com or
(?:-nocookie)? # youtube-nocookie.com
\.com # followed by
\S*? # Allow anything up to VIDEO_ID,
[^\w\s-] # but char before ID is non-ID char.
) # End host alternatives.
([\w-]{11}) # $1: VIDEO_ID is exactly 11 chars.
(?=[^\w-]|$) # Assert next char is non-ID or EOS.
(?! # Assert URL is not pre-linked.
[?=&+%\w.-]* # Allow URL (query) remainder.
(?: # Group pre-linked alternatives.
[\'"][^<>]*> # Either inside a start tag,
| </a> # or inside <a> element text contents.
) # End recognized pre-linked alts.
) # End negative lookahead assertion.
[?=&+%\w.-]* # Consume any URL (query) remainder.
~ix', '<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=$1">YouTube link: $1</a>',
return $text;
; // End $YouTubeId.
And here is a JavaScript version with the exact same regex (with comments removed):
// Linkify youtube URLs which are not already links.
function linkifyYouTubeURLs(text) {
var re = /https?:\/\/(?:[0-9A-Z-]+\.)?(?:youtu\.be\/|youtube(?:-nocookie)?\.com\S*?[^\w\s-])([\w-]{11})(?=[^\w-]|$)(?![?=&+%\w.-]*(?:['"][^<>]*>|<\/a>))[?=&+%\w.-]*/ig;
return text.replace(re,
'<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=$1">YouTube link: $1</a>');
- The VIDEO_ID portion of the URL is captured in the one and only capture group:
- If you know that your text does not contain any pre-linked URLs, you can safely remove the negative lookahead assertion which tests for this condition (The assertion beginning with the comment: "Assert URL is not pre-linked.") This will speed up the regex somewhat.
- The replace string can be modified to suit. The one provided above simply creates a link to the generic
style URL and sets the link text to: "YouTube link: VIDEO_ID"
Edit 2011-07-05: Added -
hyphen to ID char class
Edit 2011-07-17: Fixed regex to consume any remaining part (e.g. query) of URL following YouTube ID. Added 'i'
ignore-case modifier. Renamed function to camelCase. Improved pre-linked lookahead test.
Edit 2011-07-27: Added new "user" and "ytscreeningroom" formats of YouTube URLs.
Edit 2011-08-02: Simplified/generalized to handle new "any/thing/goes" YouTube URLs.
Edit 2011-08-25: Several modifications:
- Added a Javascript version of:
- Previous version had the scheme (HTTP protocol) part optional and thus would match invalid URLs. Made the scheme part required.
- Previous version used the
word boundary anchor around the VIDEO_ID. However, this will not work if the VIDEO_ID begins or ends with a -
dash. Fixed so that it handles this condition.
- Changed the VIDEO_ID expression so that it must be exactly 11 characters long.
- The previous version failed to exclude pre-linked URLs if they had a query string following the VIDEO_ID. Improved the negative lookahead assertion to fix this.
- Added
and %
to character class matching query string.
- Changed PHP version regex delimiter from:
to a: ~
- Added a "Notes" section with some handy notes.
Edit 2011-10-12: YouTube URL host part may now have any subdomain (not just www.
Edit 2012-05-01: The consume URL section may now allow for '-'.
Edit 2013-08-23: Added additional format provided by @Mei. (The query part may have a .
Edit 2013-11-30: Added additional format provided by @CRONUS: youtube-nocookie.com
Edit 2016-01-25: Fixed regex to handle error case provided by CRONUS.