So my question is this - if throwing from a destructor results in
undefined behavior, how do you handle errors that occur during a
The main problem is this: you can't fail to fail. What does it mean to fail to fail, after all? If committing a transaction to a database fails, and it fails to fail (fails to rollback), what happens to the integrity of our data?
Since destructors are invoked for both normal and exceptional (fail) paths, they themselves cannot fail or else we're "failing to fail".
This is a conceptually difficult problem but often the solution is to just find a way to make sure that failing cannot fail. For example, a database might write changes prior to committing to an external data structure or file. If the transaction fails, then the file/data structure can be tossed away. All it has to then ensure is that committing the changes from that external structure/file an atomic transaction that can't fail.
The pragmatic solution is perhaps just make sure that the chances of
failing on failure are astronomically improbable, since making things
impossible to fail to fail can be almost impossible in some cases.
The most proper solution to me is to write your non-cleanup logic in a way such that the cleanup logic can't fail. For example, if you're tempted to create a new data structure in order to clean up an existing data structure, then perhaps you might seek to create that auxiliary structure in advance so that we no longer have to create it inside a destructor.
This is all much easier said than done, admittedly, but it's the only really proper way I see to go about it. Sometimes I think there should be an ability to write separate destructor logic for normal execution paths away from exceptional ones, since sometimes destructors feel a little bit like they have double the responsibilities by trying to handle both (an example is scope guards which require explicit dismissal; they wouldn't require this if they could differentiate exceptional destruction paths from non-exceptional ones).
Still the ultimate problem is that we can't fail to fail, and it's a hard conceptual design problem to solve perfectly in all cases. It does get easier if you don't get too wrapped up in complex control structures with tons of teeny objects interacting with each other, and instead model your designs in a slightly bulkier fashion (example: particle system with a destructor to destroy the entire particle system, not a separate non-trivial destructor per particle). When you model your designs at this kind of coarser level, you have less non-trivial destructors to deal with, and can also often afford whatever memory/processing overhead is required to make sure your destructors cannot fail.
And that's one of the easiest solutions naturally is to use destructors less often. In the particle example above, perhaps upon destroying/removing a particle, some things should be done that could fail for whatever reason. In that case, instead of invoking such logic through the particle's dtor which could be executed in an exceptional path, you could instead have it all done by the particle system when it removes a particle. Removing a particle might always be done during a non-exceptional path. If the system is destroyed, maybe it can just purge all particles and not bother with that individual particle removal logic which can fail, while the logic that can fail is only executed during the particle system's normal execution when it's removing one or more particles.
There are often solutions like that which crop up if you avoid dealing with lots of teeny objects with non-trivial destructors. Where you can get tangled up in a mess where it seems almost impossible to be exception-safety is when you do get tangled up in lots of teeny objects that all have non-trivial dtors.
It would help a lot if nothrow/noexcept actually translated into a compiler error if anything which specifies it (including virtual functions which should inherit the noexcept specification of its base class) attempted to invoke anything that could throw. This way we'd be able to catch all this stuff at compile-time if we actually write a destructor inadvertently which could throw.
and keep the destructor clean of non-RAII logic. – Appetitivecommit()
method is called. – Theomorphiccatch
block? – Samaint close(int fd)
. This function is guaranteed to return without throwing an exception so you're all good. If you were to wrapclose
withthrowing_close(int fd){if close(fd)<0 throw ...}
then that would be bad. Don't do that. – Appetitiveclose
should check the return value and report an error, or silently leave the resource dangling, or reattempt, or simply kill the process, whatever makes sense for you, but it should not fail to return from the destructor because this leads to UB. – Appetitive