Approach #1 - im2col
numpatches = 10000; %//Number of patches
blksz = 8; %// Blocksize
[m,n,r] = size(IMAGES); %// Get sizes
%// Store blocks from IMAGES as columns, so that they could be processed in
%// a vectorized fashion later on
blks_col(blksz*blksz,(m-blksz+1)*(n-blksz+1),r)=0; %// Pre-allocate
for k1=1:r
blks_col(:,:,k1) = im2col(IMAGES(:,:,k1),[blksz blksz],'sliding');
blks_col = reshape(blks_col,size(blks_col,1),[]);
%// Get rand row, column and dimension-3 indices to be used for indexing
%// into blks_col in one go
rand_row = randi(size(IMAGES,1)-blksz+1,numpatches,1);
rand_col = randi(size(IMAGES,2)-blksz+1,numpatches,1);
rand_dim3 = randi(size(IMAGES,3),numpatches,1);
%// Select the specific column from blks_col that represents the
%// [blksz x blksz] used to make a single patch in each iteration from
%// original code
num_cols_im2col = (m-blksz+1)*(n-blksz+1);
col_ind = (rand_dim3-1)*num_cols_im2col + (rand_col-1)*(m-blksz+1) + rand_row;
patches = blks_col(:,col_ind);
As an example I assumed IMAGES
as the 3D data obtained from reading one of the images provided in the image gallery of Image Processing Toolbox and increased the number of patches to 100000
, i.e. -
IMAGES = imread('peppers.png');
numpatches = 100000;
The runtime with original code
- 22.376446 seconds
The runtime with im2col based code
- 2.237993 seconds
Then, I doubled the number of patches
to 200000
, for which the runtime with original code
literally doubled and im2col
based approach's runtime stayed around that ~2.3 sec mark.
Thus, this im2col
based approach would make sense when you are working with lots of patches as opposed to when working with lots of images (that are put in the third dimension of IMAGES
Approach #2 - Indexing based
Being a purely indexing based approach, this is expected to be memory-efficient and good with performance too.
numpatches = 10000; %//Number of patches
blksz = 8; %// Blocksize
[m,n,r] = size(IMAGES); %// Get sizes
%// Get rand row, column and dimension-3 indices to be used for indexing
rand_row = randi(size(IMAGES,1)-blksz+1,numpatches,1);
rand_col = randi(size(IMAGES,2)-blksz+1,numpatches,1);
rand_dim3 = randi(size(IMAGES,3),numpatches,1);
%// Starting indices for each patch
start_ind = (rand_dim3-1)*m*n + (rand_col-1)*m + rand_row;
%// Row indices for each patch
lin_row = permute(bsxfun(@plus,start_ind,[0:blksz-1])',[1 3 2]); %//'
%// Get linear indices based on row and col indices
lin_rowcol = reshape(bsxfun(@plus,lin_row,[0:blksz-1]*m),blksz*blksz,[]);
%// Finally get the patches
patches = IMAGES(lin_rowcol);
your code and seeing which parts of your code take the longest. Type inprofile viewer
in your MATLAB command prompt, then run thesampleIMAGES
function to see a timing breakdown for each line of your code. – Snakemouthrng
). If you're worried about copies, you can try removing the intermediate variablerand_img
. – Syzygyload IMAGES
was the real bottleneck in your case? – Strife