I am trying to create multiple dynamic jobs from within one of the pipeline job that should run in parallel. I want my jenkins pipeline script to download and install my software binary based on user input. Below are my sample stages:
- stage 1: will download the build
- stage 2: take parameter and install my "cloud" portion of my software
- stage 3: will take user input "how many edges need to deploy" (wherein edges are my 2nd component of the build) and create dynamic jobs based on number of edges. If edges count is 2 then 2 jobs shall be created at runtime. If edges is 3 then 3 jobs shall be created at runtime
Below are my sample script that I have managed to create
def SETUP_DIR = ""
Map<String, ?> myMap = [:]
Map<String, List<String>> minionMap = [:]
pipeline {
agent any
parameters {
string(name: 'RELEASE_VERSION', defaultValue: '1.0.0', description: 'Define build to use')
string(name: 'Cloud_IP', defaultValue: 'xxx.xx.x.xx', description: 'Central IP')
choice(name: 'No_Of_Edges', choices: ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5'], description: 'Total Edges to Deploy')
stages {
stage('Identify Installation Parameters') {
steps {
script {
// Retrieve the parameter values
def Cloud_IP = params.Cloud_IP
def No_Of_Edges = params.No_Of_Edges
stage('Download Build') {
steps {
script {
def dirname = sh(returnStdout: true, script: 'date +"%d-%m-%Y_%H:%M:%S"').trim()
sh """
sudo mkdir -p /root/Automation/${dirname}
echo $dirname
cd /root/Automation/${SETUP_DIR}/
echo \${VER}
sudo curl -u cicd:cicd -X GET url\${VER}.tar.gz --output installer.tar.gz
sleep 60
sudo tar -vxf installer.tar.gz
sleep 30
sudo rm -rf installer.tar.gz
sleep 5
sudo chmod 777 installer
cd installer
stage('Install Cloud') {
steps {
script {
echo "Installing IEAP Central"
printf "\n \n Updating all files \n \n"
sh """
printf "\n \n Deployed cloud successfully \n \n"
stage('Deploy Edge Cluster') {
steps {
script {
echo "Installing Edge Control"
def loopCount = No_Of_Edges.toInteger()
for (int i = 1; i <= loopCount; i++) {
def paramInput = input(
id: "paramInput-${i}",
message: "Enter Edge${i} Value",
parameters: [
string(name: "Edge_Control_IP_${i}", defaultValue: '', description: "Edge Control IP"),
def jobName = "Dynamic-Job-${i}"
def jenkinsfileContent = generateJenkinsfileContent(jobName, paramInput)
// Create dynamic pipeline job
createPipelineJob(jobName, jenkinsfileContent)
def generateJenkinsfileContent(String jobName, Map<String, String> params) {
def edgeControlIp = params["Edge_Control_IP"]
return """
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('Dynamic Job') {
steps {
script {
echo "This is the dynamic job ${jobName}"
echo "Edge Control IP: ${edgeControlIp}"
def createPipelineJob(String jobName, String jenkinsfileContent) {
def jobFolder = "Installation" // Folder to store dynamic jobs
def jobFullName = "${jobFolder}/${jobName}" // Full name of the dynamic job
// Create or update the Jenkinsfile for the dynamic job
writeFile file: "${jobFullName}/Jenkinsfile", text: jenkinsfileContent
// Trigger the dynamic job by loading the Jenkinsfile
build job: "${jobFullName}"
Output received:
expected to call WorkflowScript.createPipelineJob but wound up catching writeFile; see: https://jenkins.io/redirect/pipeline-cps-method-mismatches/
– External@NonCPS
for createPipelineJob. You are just using variables and regular steps inside. What is the output when you run without@NonCPS
? – Externaldef response = sh(script: "curl.exe -O http://localhost:8080/jnlpJars/jenkins-cli.jar", returnStdout: true) sh "java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s http://localhost:8080/ -auth user:pass get-job existingJob > existingJob_downloaded" sh "java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s http://localhost:8080/ -auth user:pass -webSocket create-job GeneratedJob<existingJob_downloaded"
– External