Seems I had to restart VSCode.
Javascript (javascript
file types in VSCode)
An example of jsconfig.json
file for reference:
"compilerOptions": {
"baseUrl": "./src",
"jsx": "react",
"paths": {
"@styles": ["styles/index"],
"@fonts": ["fonts/index"],
"@components": ["components/index"],
"@atoms": ["components/atoms/index"],
"@molecules": ["components/molecules/index"],
"@organisms": ["components/organisms/index"],
"@templates": ["components/templates/index"],
"@icons": ["components/atoms/Icons/index"],
"@config": ["config/index"],
"@utils": ["utils/index"],
"@hooks": ["hooks/index"],
"@constants": ["constants/index"],
"@queries": ["queries/index"],
"@reducers": ["state/store/reducers"],
"@actions": ["state/store/actions"],
"@slices": ["state/slices/"],
"@storybookHelpers": ["../.storybook/helpers"]
An example of how styles/index
looks like:
export * from './colors';
export * from './GlobalStyle.styles';
export * from './mixins.styles';
// Or
export { COLORS } from './colors';
export { default as GlobalStyle } from './GlobalStyle.styles';
export { default as mixins } from './mixins.styles';
Will allow import (with IntelliSense):
import { COLORS, mixins, GlobalStyle } from '@styles';
For a bonus: aliases.js
, which is a helper which I use to define aliases in webpack
config files, it helps to not repeat yourself, for example when using the same aliases in storybook
and for the application itself.
// Remember to update `jsconfig.json`
const aliases = (prefix = `src`) => ({
'@actions': `${prefix}/state/store/actions`,
'@atoms': `${prefix}/components/atoms`,
'@molecules': `${prefix}/components/molecules`,
'@organisms': `${prefix}/components/organisms`,
'@templates': `${prefix}/components/templates`,
'@components': `${prefix}/components`,
'@config': `${prefix}/config`,
'@constants': `${prefix}/constants`,
'@hooks': `${prefix}/hooks`,
'@icons': `${prefix}/components/atoms/Icons`,
'@queries': `${prefix}/queries`,
'@reducers': `${prefix}/state/store/reducers`,
'@slices': `${prefix}/state/slices`,
'@styles': `${prefix}/styles`,
'@utils': `${prefix}/utils`,
'@storybookHelpers': `../.storybook/helpers`,
module.exports = aliases;
// usage example at .storybook/webpack.config.js file
const path = require("path");
const alias = require(`../src/config/aliases`);
const SRC = "../src";
const aliases = alias(SRC);
const resolvedAliases = Object.fromEntries(
Object.entries(aliases).map(([key, value]) => [
path.resolve(__dirname, value),
module.exports = ({ config }) => {
config.resolve.modules.push(path.resolve(__dirname, SRC));
config.resolve.alias = resolvedAliases;
return config;
Typescript (typescript
At tsconfig.json
use the compilerOptions.paths
option, notice that the paths are relative to baseUrl
"compilerOptions": {
"baseUrl": "./",
"paths": {
"@components/*": ["components/*"],
"@config": ["config"],
"@constants": ["constants"],
"@hooks": ["hooks"],
"@styles": ["styles"],
"$types/*": ["types/*"],
"@utils": ["utils"]
This allows aliases (with IntelliSense), for example:
// Example of hooks/index.ts file
export * from './useLogin';
export * from './useLocalStorage';
export * from './useAuth';
// Usage examples
import {ROUTES} from '@constants';
import {Text} from '@components/atoms';
import {mixins} from '@styles';
import {useLocalStorage} from '@hooks';
, did you mean it is a CSS file? By default, a tsconfig.json doesn't deal with CSS files. – Grape