This seems to be the forefront thread for this problem, so I wanted to add a solution for my C# colleagues. I racked my brain trying to figure out what I was doing wrong after trying everything here, to no avail. I finally figure out what was wrong, and it differs a bit from the advice here for C# Mono development. Basically, it boils down to something I've just learned the hard way. With C# DO NOT MODIFY AndroidManifest.xml manually!
See this guide for reference:
Xamarin: Working with AndroidManifest.xml
More directly for this problem, here is how you get this done.
First, in your project properties, under the Manifest Tab, there is a checkbox list for choosing the permissions you want to provide, one of which is RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED. Check that to provide these permissions.
Secondly, you need to put the proper tags on your BroacastReceiver class.
[IntentFilter(new String[]{ Intent.ActionBootCompleted }, Priority = (int)IntentFilterPriority.LowPriority)]
public class MyBootReceiver : BroadcastReceiver
public override void OnReceive(Context context, Intent intent)
// Do your boot work here, set alarms, show toasts, whatever
The final part of [IntentFilter()] dealing with priority isn't required, it just lets other higher priority stuff get done first on boot, and is good practice if your App isn't a high priority thing.
As you'll see in the linked article, using these tags in your code will cause the AndroidManifest.xml file to be created at build time, with everything the way it should be. What I found was that when modifying the manifest manually to include the receiver tag, the system was causing it to look for the class one level too deep, thus throwing a ClassNotFound exception. It was trying to instantiate [Namespace].[Namespace].[BroadcastReceiver] which was wrong. And it was doing that because of the manual manifest edits.
Anyway, hope this helps.
Also, another quick tip with the adb tool. If you want to get an easier to read version of the log, try this:
C:\Android\platform-tools\adb logcat >> C:\log.txt
This will dump the logcat to a text file you can open and read a bit easier than in the command prompt window. Makes cut and paste of things a bit easier too.