I've got a web page that uses XMLHttpRequest to download a binary resource.
In Firefox and Gecko I can use responseText to get the bytes, even if the bytestream includes binary zeroes. I may need to coerce the mimetype with overrideMimeType()
to make that happen. In IE, though, responseText doesn't work, because it appears to terminate at the first zero. If you read 100,000 bytes, and byte 7 is a binary zero, you will be able to access only 7 bytes. IE's XMLHttpRequest exposes a responseBody
property to access the bytes. I've seen a few posts suggesting that it's impossible to access this property in any meaningful way directly from Javascript. This sounds crazy to me.
is accessible from VBScript, so the obvious workaround is to define a method in VBScript in the webpage, and then call that method from Javascript. See jsdap for one example. EDIT: DO NOT USE THIS VBScript!!
var IE_HACK = (/msie/i.test(navigator.userAgent) &&
// no no no! Don't do this!
if (IE_HACK) document.write('<script type="text/vbscript">\n\
Function BinaryToArray(Binary)\n\
Dim i\n\
ReDim byteArray(LenB(Binary))\n\
For i = 1 To LenB(Binary)\n\
byteArray(i-1) = AscB(MidB(Binary, i, 1))\n\
BinaryToArray = byteArray\n\
End Function\n\
var xml = (window.XMLHttpRequest)
? new XMLHttpRequest() // Mozilla/Safari/IE7+
: (window.ActiveXObject)
? new ActiveXObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP") // IE6
: null; // Commodore 64?
xml.open("GET", url, true);
if (xml.overrideMimeType) {
xml.overrideMimeType('text/plain; charset=x-user-defined');
} else {
xml.setRequestHeader('Accept-Charset', 'x-user-defined');
xml.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (xml.readyState == 4) {
if (!binary) {
} else if (IE_HACK) {
// call a VBScript method to copy every single byte
} else {
Is this really true? The best way? copying every byte? For a large binary stream that's not going to be very efficient.
There is also a possible technique using ADODB.Stream, which is a COM equivalent of a MemoryStream. See here for an example. It does not require VBScript but does require a separate COM object.
if (typeof (ActiveXObject) != "undefined" && typeof (httpRequest.responseBody) != "undefined") {
// Convert httpRequest.responseBody byte stream to shift_jis encoded string
var stream = new ActiveXObject("ADODB.Stream");
stream.Type = 1; // adTypeBinary
stream.Open ();
stream.Write (httpRequest.responseBody);
stream.Position = 0;
stream.Type = 1; // adTypeBinary;
stream.Read.... /// ???? what here
But that's not going to work well - ADODB.Stream is disabled on most machines these days.
In The IE8 developer tools - the IE equivalent of Firebug - I can see the responseBody is an array of bytes and I can even see the bytes themselves. The data is right there. I don't understand why I can't get to it.
Is it possible for me to read it with responseText?
hints? (other than defining a VBScript method)
function. What is that? AFAIK only IE supportsresponseBody
. So what did you use ?? – Outoftheway