Can someone tell me the advantages of using a delegate as opposed to calling the function itself as shown below (or in other words why choose Option A over Option B)? I was looking at someone's linq code last night and they had something similar to Option A but it was being used to return a compiled linq query.
I realize the former can now be passed around to other functions.. just not sure of its practicality. BTW, I realize this wouldn't compile as-is.. uncommented one of the functions before posting. TYIA
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine(SayTwoWords("Hello", "World"));
// Option A
private static Func<string, string, string>
SayTwoWords = (a, b) => String.Format("{0} {1}", a, b);
// Option B
private static string SayTwoWords(string a, string b)
return String.Format("{0} {1}", a, b);
Not sure if it explains my question better but here is an example of the type of code that originally got me thinking about this:
public static class clsCompiledQuery
public static Func<DataContext, string, IQueryable<clsCustomerEntity>>
getCustomers = CompiledQuery.Compile((DataContext db, string strCustCode)
=> from objCustomer in db.GetTable<clsCustomerEntity>()
where objCustomer.CustomerCode == strCustCode
select objCustomer);
Is there any advantage to writing a function in this way?