I am trying to implement a function (described below) that takes two lists (each or both may be infinite) and return a list of tuples of all the possible pairs of elements between the lists
zipInf :: [a] -> [b] -> [(a,b)]
(e.g the output should be like this, but doesn't have to be exactly like this)
zipInf [0 .. 2] ['A' .. 'C'] ~> [(0,'A'),(1,'A'),(0,'B'),(1,'B'),(0,'C'),(2,'A'),(2,'B'),(1,'C'),(2,'C')]
zipInf [] [0 ..] ~> []
zipInf [0 ..] [] ~> []
take 9 (zipInf ['A'] [0 .. ]) ~> [('A',0),('A',1),('A',2),('A',3),('A',4),('A',5),('A',6),('A',7),('A',8)]
I've started implementing it like this:
zipInf :: [a] -> [b] -> [(a,b)]
zipInf [] _ = []
zipInf _ [] = []
I wanted to feed the list into a helper function to produce the lists but the one I made fails to compile and don't know how to handle infinite lists
Helper function-
oneList :: [a] -> [b] [(a,b)]
oneList [] _ = []
oneList x:xs y:ys = [(x,y)] ++ oneList
asAppliedTo h x = let _=h x in h
? – Megillah