I'm trying to detect when a finger first makes contact with a view in SwiftUI. I could do this very easily with UIKit Events but can't figure this out in SwiftUI.
I've tried a DragGesture with minimum movement of 0 but it still won't change until your finger moves.
TapGesture will only work when you lift your finger and LongPressGesture will not trigger fast enough no matter what I set the parameters to.
DragGesture(minimumDistance: 0, coordinateSpace: .local).onChanged({ _ in print("down")})
LongPressGesture(minimumDuration: 0.01, maximumDistance: 100).onEnded({_ in print("down")})
I want to detect a touchDown event as soon as a finger makes contact with a view. Apple's default gestures have restrictions to either distance or time.
Update: This is not an issue anymore as Apple has seemed to update how DragGesture works or maybe I was experiencing a specific contextual bug.