Checkboxes usually represent binary data that are stored in database as Yes/No, Y/N or 1/0 values. HTML checkboxes do have bad nature to send value to server only if checkbox is checked! That means that server script on other site must know in advance what are all possible checkboxes on web page in order to be able to store positive (checked) or negative (unchecked) values. Actually only negative values are problem (when user unchecks previously (pre)checked value - how can server know this when nothing is sent if it does not know in advance that this name should be sent). If you have a server side script which dynamically creates UPDATE script there's a problem because you don't know what all checkboxes should be received in order to set Y value for checked and N value for unchecked (not received) ones.
Since I store values 'Y' and 'N' in my database and represent them via checked and unchecked checkboxes on page, I added hidden field for each value (checkbox) with 'Y' and 'N' values then use checkboxes just for visual representation, and use simple JavaScript function check() to set value of if according to selection.
<input type="hidden" id="N1" name="N1" value="Y" />
<input type="checkbox"<?php if($N1==='Y') echo ' checked="checked"'; ?> onclick="check(this);" />
<label for="N1">Checkbox #1</label>
use one JavaScript onclick listener and call function check() for each checkboxe on my web page:
function check(me)
This way 'Y' or 'N' values are always sent to server side script, it knows what are fields that should be updated and there's no need for conversion of checbox "on" value into 'Y' or not received checkbox into 'N'.
NOTE: white space or new line is also a sibling so here I need .previousSibling.previousSibling.value. If there's no space between then only .previousSibling.value
You don't need to explicitly add onclick listener like before, you can use jQuery library to dynamically add click listener with function to change value to all checkboxes in your page: