My Excel tool performs a long task, and I'm trying to be kind to the user by providing a progress report in the status bar, or in some cell in the sheet, as shown below. But the screen doesn't refresh, or stops refreshing at some point (e.g. 33%). The task eventually completes but the progress bar is useless.
What can I do to force a screen update?
For i=1 to imax ' imax is usually 30 or so
Application.StatusBar = Format(fractionDone, "0%") & "done..."
' or, alternatively:
' statusRange.value = Format(fractionDone, "0%") & "done..."
' Some code.......
Next i
I'm using Excel 2003.
if you do it on each loop, instead do it each 10 or so :if i mod 10 = 0 then Doevents
– Oren