I wrote a thread-safe class that binds a CancellationTokenSource
to a Task
, and guarantees that the CancellationTokenSource
will be disposed when its associated Task
completes. It uses locks to ensure that the CancellationTokenSource
will not be canceled during or after it has been disposed. This happens for compliance with the documentation, that states:
The Dispose
method must only be used when all other operations on the CancellationTokenSource
object have completed.
And also:
The Dispose
method leaves the CancellationTokenSource
in an unusable state.
Here is the CancelableExecution
public class CancelableExecution
private readonly bool _allowConcurrency;
private Operation _activeOperation;
// Represents a cancelable operation that signals its completion when disposed
private class Operation : IDisposable
private readonly CancellationTokenSource _cts;
private readonly TaskCompletionSource _completionSource;
private bool _disposed;
public Task Completion => _completionSource.Task; // Never fails
public Operation(CancellationTokenSource cts)
_cts = cts;
_completionSource = new TaskCompletionSource(
public void Cancel() { lock (this) if (!_disposed) _cts.Cancel(); }
void IDisposable.Dispose() // It is disposed once and only once
try { lock (this) { _cts.Dispose(); _disposed = true; } }
finally { _completionSource.SetResult(); }
public CancelableExecution(bool allowConcurrency)
_allowConcurrency = allowConcurrency;
public CancelableExecution() : this(false) { }
public bool IsRunning => Volatile.Read(ref _activeOperation) != null;
public async Task<TResult> RunAsync<TResult>(
Func<CancellationToken, Task<TResult>> action,
CancellationToken extraToken = default)
CancellationTokenSource cts = CancellationTokenSource
using Operation operation = new(cts);
// Set this as the active operation
Operation oldOperation = Interlocked
.Exchange(ref _activeOperation, operation);
if (oldOperation is not null && !_allowConcurrency)
// The Operation.Completion never fails.
await oldOperation.Completion; // Continue on captured context.
// Invoke the action on the initial SynchronizationContext.
Task<TResult> task = action(cts.Token);
return await task.ConfigureAwait(false);
// If this is still the active operation, set it back to null.
Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _activeOperation, null, operation);
// The operation is disposed here, along with the cts.
public Task RunAsync(Func<CancellationToken, Task> action,
CancellationToken extraToken = default)
return RunAsync<object>(async ct =>
await action(ct).ConfigureAwait(false);
return null;
}, extraToken);
public Task CancelAsync()
Operation operation = Volatile.Read(ref _activeOperation);
if (operation is null) return Task.CompletedTask;
return operation.Completion;
public bool Cancel() => CancelAsync().IsCompleted == false;
The primary methods of the CancelableExecution
class are the RunAsync
and the Cancel
. By default concurrent (overlapping) operations are not allowed, meaning that calling RunAsync
a second time will silently cancel and await the completion of the previous operation (if it's still running), before starting the new operation.
This class can be used in applications of any kind. Its primary intended usage though is in UI applications, inside forms with buttons for starting and canceling an asynchronous operation, or with a listbox that cancels and restarts an operation every time its selected item is changed. Here is an example of the first use-case:
private readonly CancelableExecution _cancelableExecution = new();
private async void btnExecute_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string result;
Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;
btnExecute.Enabled = false;
btnCancel.Enabled = true;
result = await _cancelableExecution.RunAsync(async ct =>
await Task.Delay(3000, ct); // Simulate some cancelable I/O operation
return "Hello!";
catch (OperationCanceledException)
btnExecute.Enabled = true;
btnCancel.Enabled = false;
Cursor = Cursors.Default;
this.Text += result;
private void btnCancel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
The RunAsync
method accepts an extra CancellationToken
as argument, that is linked to the internally created CancellationTokenSource
. Supplying this optional token may be useful in advanced scenarios.
For a version compatible with the .NET Framework, you can look at the 3rd revision of this answer.