First, to only answer the question, you can just use a plain link in your html file
<script src='bundles/mybundle' type='text/javascript' language='text/javascript'></script>
=> that will include your javascript bundle into the page
The problem you will have with this approach is that if you modify a *.js file contained in the bundle, the modification will not be visible in the bundle.
This is all about "bundle cache busting", a nice feature of ASP.NET but only usable from a razor template ...
Obviously, you cal also restart the pool (but this is quite slow and hard to automate) :)
To workaround the problem, you can define your own ASP.NET MVC Controller with the following
using System.Linq;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using System.Web.Optimization;
namespace Controllers
public class DebugBundlesController : Controller
// GET: debugbundles/mybundle
public ActionResult Mybundle()
return InlineBundleJavaScript("~/bundles/mybundle");
private ActionResult InlineBundleJavaScript(string bundlePath)
var bundleContext = new BundleContext(HttpContext, BundleTable.Bundles, "~/bundles");
var bundle = BundleTable.Bundles.Single(b => b.Path == bundlePath);
var js = bundle.GenerateBundleResponse(bundleContext).Content;
return JavaScript(js);
and you use that like :
<script src='debugbundles/mybundle' type='text/javascript' language='text/javascript'></script>
=> now, every time you make a change, the bundle will be regenerated.
Be aware to use this only during development because you remove nearly all benefits of bundles (i.e in particular client and server caching)