first of all sorry for my english. I have two pages in JSF2, one to list Passengers and another one to create/update passengers. I have also two @ViewScoped beans, one with the list of passengers and one for hold in pageB the selected passenger. I see the ways to pass the passenger through viewParam or @ManagedProperty but i don´t want to write a converter.
What i want to know if there is a way to pass the object from pageA to pageB without passing the id of the passenger and write a converter or without passing the id and then go to the DB to retrieve the passenger. What i do and works is the following. I set in flash scope through setPropertyActionListener the selected object and navigate to pageB, in the @PostConstruct of the viewScopedBean i get the flashScope and retrieve the object. As i said, this works but i don´t know if it is correct. Here is the code Page A:
<p:column width="10" style="text-align: center;">
<p:commandButton icon="ui-icon-pencil" action="editClientes?faces-redirect=true">
<f:setPropertyActionListener target="#{flash.pax}" value="#{row}"/>
@PostConstruct of pageB bean
private void initBean(){
this.pax = (Passenger) JSFUtils.getFlashScope().get("pax");
if(this.pax == null){
this.pax = new Passenger();
Is this correct, or the correct way is to write a converter? Thanks.