If I have a Devise model User, of which only those users with role :admin are allowed to view a certain url, how can I write an RSpec integration test to check that the status returns 200 for that url?
def login(user)
post user_session_path, :email => user.email, :password => 'password'
This was pseudo-suggested in the answer to this question: Stubbing authentication in request spec, but I can't for the life of me get it to work with devise. CanCan is receiving a nil User when checking Ability, which doesn't have the correct permissions, naturally.
There's no access to the controller in integration specs, so I can't stub current_user, but I'd like to do something like this.
describe "GET /users" do
it "should be able to get" do
clear_users_and_add_admin #does what it says...
get users_path
response.status.should be(200)
NOTE!!!: all this has changed since the question was asked. The current best way to do this is here: http://github.com/plataformatec/devise/wiki/How-To:-Test-with-Capybara