Synchrone method with two option, simple and efficacy.
const path = require('path');const fs = require('fs');
function toHierarchie_files(pathDir, output_normalize=false, removeEmpty=true)
var result = {}, enqueue = [pathDir];
//normalize slash separator if output_normalize is true or just return val
output_normalize = output_normalize == false?val => {return val}:val => {return path.normalize(val)};
//allows absolute or relative path with extended resolution. Returns path normalize absolute to work with or 'none' string.
const path_exist = (path_test) => {var tmpTab = fs.existsSync(path.normalize(path.resolve(path_test))) == true?[path.normalize(path.resolve(path_test))]:['', '../', '../../'].map(val => path.normalize(path.resolve(__dirname, val+path_test))).filter((val, index) => fs.existsSync(path.normalize(path.resolve(__dirname, val+path_test))) == true);return tmpTab.length > 0?tmpTab[0]:'none'};
//Check if file exist and return her type or 'none' string
const getType = (path_test) => {path_test = path_exist(path_test);return path_test == 'none'?'none':fs.lstatSync(path_test).isDirectory() == true?'dir':fs.lstatSync(path_test).isFile() == true?'file':'none';};
function recursive()
//init new entrie
var parentDir = enqueue.pop();result[parentDir]=[];
//read dir
fs.readdirSync(path_exist(parentDir)).forEach((file, index) =>{
//if detect dir push in queue
case 'dir': enqueue.push(output_normalize(parentDir+'/'+file)); break;
//if file, add in entrie
case 'file': result[parentDir].push(file); break;
//else done
default: break;
//if optional arg remove empty is true, delete entries if not contains files
if(result[parentDir].length == 0 && removeEmpty == true){Reflect.deleteProperty(result, parentDir);}
//if queue is not empty continue processing
if(enqueue.length > 0){recursive();}
//if dir renseign exist, go recusive
if(getType(pathDir) == 'dir'){recursive();}
return result;
"public/assets": [
"public/assets/js": [
"public/assets/js/css/secure": [
"public/assets/css": [