I understand how the simple list comprehension works eg.:
[x*2 for x in range(5)] # returns [0,2,4,6,8]
and also I understand how the nested list comprehesion works:
w_list = ["i_have_a_doubt", "with_the","nested_lists_comprehensions"]
# returns the list of strings without underscore and capitalized
print [replaced.title() for replaced in [el.replace("_"," ")for el in w_list]]
so, when I tried do this
l1 = [100,200,300]
l2 = [0,1,2]
[x + y for x in l2 for y in l1 ]
I expected this:
but I got this:
so I got a better way solve the problem, which gave me what I want
[x + y for x,y in zip(l1,l2)]
but I didn't understood the return of 9 elements on the first code