I'm working with xcode 5, and often get The Simulator can't be launched because it is already in use.
when it's not running or open (i.e. after i do: quit simulator).
I stopped the application & don't have any other project that is open, running or using the simulator (please avoid these kind of suggestions).
this happens after i get and exception.
how can I "free" the simulator process without having to reboot my computer (right now that is the only solution i found) I've tried:
- simulator -->services-->a reset content and settings
- closing xcode and re-opening
- xcode --> developer toos --> simulator -->(open the simulator) quit simulator
- Activity monitor --> (the simulator is closed so nothing here to force close)
also the exception is not getting caught in any of my try catch so i wondering if which tool from the developer instrument can help me figure out what is wrong.